Drama Digest Full of thrill, romance, and melodrama, this show revolves around the revenge of a women whose life was destroyed by her own friends. The Feel-Good Part The initial part of the show is light-hearted as it shows Eun Jo living her life to the fullest after becoming a fashion designer and wants to […][...]

Sep 2021
Thriller, Mystery, Drama UA Posted by Kittipong Jantana

Drama Digest In a sparkle of fame and wealth, the confined life of two daughters-in-law of a powerful and wealthy family. One who is trying to mold into a top-notch family and the other trying to keep away her secret. The battle between the lies and secrets of a high-class family takes a huge turn. […][...]

Fantasy, Mystery UA Posted by Haruki Matsui

Drama digest: Ahn Eun-young can see things that others are not able to. Eun-young describes these things like jellies, and few of them can manifest into dangerous forms. Ahn eventually is assigned work as a nurse in a school where mysterious events happen. With the support of a colleague, Hong In-Pyo, who has a special […][...]

Mystery, Comedy, Thriller, Fantasy UA Posted by Jiajie Zhou

Drama Digest A zombie and an essayist collaborate to tackle violations in this exhilarating show that investigates what happens when somebody really returns to life. In the wake of being furtively covered on a slope, Moo Young returns to life as a zombie because of unlawfully unloaded clinical waste. With his memory gone, he, at […][...]

Drama review coming soon……[...]

Mystery, Thriller, Action, Drama UA Posted by Chakrit Sukyai

Drama Digest A drama about the sprint between the people who want that truth should be reflected and people who prefer to bury up things. The theatre is considered to be successful due to the viewership ratings. A police officer team up with a rookie. The detective uses the experience whilst the younger one works […][...]

Drama, Romance, Family UA Posted by Yuto Okamoto

Drama Digest Everything proceeds to unfold for the radio show professionals. Their marriages must now acknowledge their husband’s identities being disclosed. Hye Ryung has been married to a lawyer, and the couple decided not to have kids. Pi Young is a producer of the show; she is a hard-working woman. She is also good with […][...]

Comedy, Drama UA Posted by Xiaoming Chen

Drama Digest A popular high school girl, Baek Ho Rang. People in the school wants to be her friend, and boys aims at winning her heart. She is also a social media star; with every student of school following her. She is caught off-guard when a mysterious person appears online. This mysterious person knows all […][...]

Sep 2021
Action Thriller, Drama, Sci Fi UA Posted by Jae-yong Yoon

Drama Digest Ae Ri, a part-time worker at a convenience store, has her life hanging by a thread. Her mother is on the list for an urgent heart transplant. However, things fall through,  and they have to forgo the opportunity of the heart transplant, and Ae Ri’s mother disappears. With her life already in shambles, […][...]

Drama, Action, Historical, Fantasy A Posted by Napat Jitpaisarn

Drama Digest When blue blood Lee Bang-Won of Joseon patrolled the northern region, the Janus-faced AN disembodied spirit wished to dominate groups of people. Blue blood Lee Bang-Won was able to seal away the evil spirit. Now, Lee Bang-Won has ascended to the throne and has taken the title of King Taejong (Kam Woo-Sung). He’s […][...]