Military service is mandatory in South Korea, which means all men as a part of South Korean citizen must serve their country at the age of 18 to 28 under article 39 of the constitution. But for Korean-pop stars, the parliament passed a bill last year allowing them to delay their military service until the […]

With the growing popularity of Asian dramas, more and more Japanese dramas have been picked up by Netflix, and many dramas are made cross-culturally. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that many of the shows are preparing for comebacks and are adapted from manga or anime, therefore here are some dramas and movies, which are […]

MBTI types are the psychological profiling of individuals according to their personalities, for a better understanding of their problem-solving capabilities, their interpersonal relationships, their outlook of life, their knowledge in an official setting, and how one can maximize their chances of achieving success in their lives. Therefore, recently these tests have been going viral, and […]

Can friendship have a definition? we would say NO! we are saying this because each and everyone has their gravity for fellowship. It might be spending eternity with one person, while for the other, it can be buying and sharing drinks, and the list goes on. The same goes for Korean Pop and Korean Drama […]

Hallyu or the Korean wave is one thing that has taken over the globe in the current years; it made the South Korean pop culture global. From the romantic K-Dramas, K-beauty skincare regimes, aesthetic streetwear clothing, and mouth-watering dishes like Korean fried chicken in the heart of Hallyu, the K-POP industry is much more than […]

Aug 2021

Movie Reviews

The Call

Movie Digest The story proceeds when one phone call connects the two 28 y/o woman, and their lives are changed unrectifiably. Two people live in different times which reciprocates their fate. Young-Sook lives in the past and Seo-Yeon in the present. The Feel-Good Part The Call creates a distinguishing chilling and suspenseful vibe that will […]

Aug 2021

Drama Digest Hoo Joon is a celebrity who happens to be at the top of his game, and Geun Young is a reporter for a standard magazine company. They both attend a club opening ceremony where Geun Young witnesses Hoo Joon’s angry behavior and a misunderstanding that leads to her getting fired. Feeling wronged by […]

Aug 2021


Runje Shaw

Runje Shaw was born in 1896, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China. He was also known by the name Shao Zuiweng. He is a Chinese producer, director, and entrepreneur. He established the Tianyi Film Company. He was the oldest of all six brothers and owner of Jin Tai Chang, a textile firm in Shanghai. He was graduated with […]