Drama Review: The Moment Since: Special






Drama Digest

This is the second season of “The Moment,” which follows the boys’ tale following the first season’s conclusion.

The Feel-Good Part

It’s so basic and cute that it’s perfect for folks who need a vacation from their frantic and all-over-the-place shows. Sure, the characters were a touch showy when it came to progressing with their love, but it was all charming in the end, and it was worth it in my opinion. Not sure what you were expecting from a five-episode sitcom with each episode lasting about 15 minutes. In fact, glad the show ended the way it did. It would have been strange if they added more “adult” scenarios in this season since the previous one was so wholesome. Highly recommend this, as well as the first season, to anyone in need of a relaxing show.

The Disappointing Factor

The primary protagonists were the only ones who kept an eye on this shambles. This entire season consisted of five episodes of montages with the SAME song over and over again! Why did they squander so much film, time, and money on just five episodes? Not sure why they didn’t just end the second season on a cliffhanger, because this was clearly not worth it. There were some really cute moments, but they weren’t explored in depth, and you could sense the tension and keep hoping for something to happen, but it didn’t. The quality of The Moment Since is similar to The Moment, and it has the same strengths and drawbacks, albeit the plot of The Moment Since appears to have thinned down even more. More attention might have been devoted to the characters who aren’t the primary couple (Bay and Mok) we already know they’re in love and there’s nothing standing in their way.

In-Depth Analysis

The sequel to The Moment is The Moment Since. During their beach holiday, a newly dating couple is followed in this Thai BL serial. While the characters are looking forward to some alone time, they are frequently interrupted by their intrusive buddies. Nonetheless, during the course of this short five-episode drama, their lovely friendship evolves personally and warmly.

Star Power

The Moment: Since appears to be a wonderful continuation of The Moment I Need You. These five episodes appear to be a pleasant little look into the lives of the leads since the first series, but that’s it. It’s only a sliver of their lives. No, it wasn’t absolutely necessary, but is it still enjoyable? That appears to be the question. The quality is excellent. What about the show itself? A pleasant surprise, but is there more to it, and if so, is it worth watching? Yes, it appears that the answer is yes.

Overall Opinion

The main characters were the only ones keeping an eye on the mess. This entire season was made up of five montages with the SAME music repeated over and over!  There were some really cute moments, but they weren’t fully explored, and you could feel the suspense and keep hoping for something to happen, but it didn’t.