Drama Review: Cornetto Love Expert






Drama Digest

“Cornetto Love Expert” is a 3-episode series showing three different love stories in each episode. It is made for advertising the ice cream brand. Young people in love consult Dr.Natt, the love expert, for advice regarding their love problems. Doctor Natt solves their problems with the help of ice cream.

The Feel-Good Part

All three stories are short and cute. It is a unique way to promote a brand. It managed to attract customers well. It is simple and easy to follow the story.

The Disappointing Factor

It is too short but we couldn’t decide the disappointing factor for this as it is for advertising and cannot be considered as a proper series.

In-Depth Analysis

The first story is a BL about a guy who has a secret crush on his friend. This story advertises the Hokkaido Milk Rainbow flavor. “Love is like ice cream do it before it melts”, which translates to confessing your feelings before it is too late. The second episode is about a girl who is bothered about how there is no progress beyond holding hands in her relationship, even though they love each other a lot. This episode advertises the strawberry yogurt flavor. “Add sweetness to love so pink fills the heart” which shows that it doesn’t matter who makes the first move you just have to express your feelings so that your heart is satisfied. The third episode advertises Dark chocolate brownie flavor. It is about a girl who is frustrated with how her boyfriend eats her food without her consent. Sometimes in a relationship, the truth may be bitter but it helps you clear the misunderstandings. They show these pieces of advice in an interesting way which is cute and fun to watch. It is fascinating to see how a problem is cleared by sharing ice cream.

Star Power

Everyone did an amazing job even though it is a short advertisement they gave their all to the performance. The chemistry between all three couples is good.

Overall Opinion

Overall, if you want to watch a cute uplifting story you can watch this it also makes you crave ice creams. All episodes are cute and light-hearted which you can watch to relax during your work breaks.