Drama Review: All Of Us Are Dead





1 Hrs 2 Mins



Drama Digest

A high school becomes a ground for a zombie infection explosion. The students trapped in the virus must fight their way out or turn into one of the rabid infected. This drama is adapted from the webtoon of the same by Joo Dong Geun.

The Feel-Good Part

The storytelling and plot made a considerable impact. The expression of the various group and relationship dynamics between young people was of high quality and standard. The production was intense, powerful, sensitive and impactful.

The Disappointing Factor

The main villain was featured through the gangster wannabe. The despicable human thrash has the typical clichéd story. The storytelling should have been better presented. Kim Byung Chul and Jeon Bae Soo’s characters should have been fleshed out better. Few characters were annoying.

In-Depth Analysis

The story revolves around a group of high school students. They are stuck at their school due a viruses. The drama depicted the students fighting against zombies and virus until they were rescued. The story picked the sheer horror that South Koreans are exposed in their educational system. The pressure is higher to perform than the rest of the world. Some people relieve stress by bullying. This drama has come a striking way.

Star Power

The young actors have acclaimed talent well. Park Ji Hoo, Yoon Chan Young, Jo Yi Hyun, and Park Solomon did a fabulous job. Lee Yoo Mi and Lee Na Yeon were both impressive. The high school students were portrayed well by the young actors.

Overall Opinion

Despite the flaws, the drama had the potential for expansion. All of us are dead is not the best drama in this genre but it was impressive.