Drama Review: Life’s Punchline






Drama Digest

Haruto Takaiwa, Shunta Asabuki, and Junpei Minowa are members of an unpopular comedy trio called Macbeth. The trio always meetup at a family restaurant, where Rihoko Nakahama works as a waitress. Another main character is Tsumugi Nakahama, who is Rihoko Nakahama’s younger sister. These people, in their late 20s, are all stuck in a similar situation that anyone would term as ‘failure’. Watch the show to know if this is just the beginning to a glamorous future of this group along with laughter and tears.

The Feel-Good Part

This show focuses on the many rises and falls of life. For someone going through a hard time, this show is a perfect reminder to keep going. This show is a feel-good show with no melodrama or unseen twists; it’s realistic with characters that grow and learn. It makes you think and ponder upon some specific aspects of life at times, and it’s a treat to watch it all come together at the end.

The Disappointing Factor

The show, especially the beginning of it, can feel ‘slow’, which could make some lose interest in the story, and not have patience until the good part comes. It’s not always exciting and can feel tedious at times. In the beginning, it’s a bit difficult to grasp what the show is about, but it gets better as it goes on. There are characters you might disagree with regarding actions that make them become slightly unlikable.

In-Depth Analysis

The show consists of characters with a story that can feel underwhelming but is relatable and realistic. The show is simple, and relatable, with meaningful plot points, and flawed characters who learn from their mistakes and grow. It’s funny and emotional at the same time, and isn’t hyperfocused on romance but more on friendships and maintaining them through thick and thin. There are slight romantic elements which make the storyline even more interesting. There are no shocks or plot twists, so it’s a feel-good watch.

Star Power

The cast is one of the really solid attributes of the drama. The award-winning main cast, along with the supporting cast, put up an outstanding and natural performance that sometimes one would get fully immersed and surely forget that they’re only acting.

Overall Opinion

While it may feel slow, the show is wholesome and heartbreaking at the same time. It’s meaningful and realistic, so if you’re looking for something funny but also impactful, this is the series for you.