Movie Reviews: Big Blue Sea

1 Hrs 33 Mins




1 Hrs 33 Mins

Movie Digest

This movie is about a whimsical adventure of an autistic mind. Ching sets on a journey to search the sea to find a home for her pet Clownfish. Ching is an 8-year-old autistic girl abandoned by her mother. Her grandfather gifts her a pet fish on her birthday to keep her deviated from her obsession with circles and math. She loves it a lot and carries it everywhere with her. She promises to take the fish home when she learns to swim. When she is 23 years old, she searches for the bluest water to make a perfect home for her fish.

The Feel-Good Part

Ching’s determination to find a home for her fish is very tranquil. She even learns how to swim for this. She overcomes a lot of difficulties and stays strong.

The Disappointing Factor

This plot seems a bit meaningless at times, and the screenplay is not so good.

In-Depth Analysis

The fact about this movie is it promotes women’s empowerment, and half of the crew are women. This is a story about loyalty, adventure, and friendship. It is an intriguing adventure for Ching, with dangers ahead of her. She researches a lot to send her fish home. She doesn’t forget her words even after growing up. Ching works in an office, and one day, she reads the news saying an adventurer named Mark is searching for the bluest water, which is perfect for Clownfish. She donates her savings to mark in exchange for releasing her fish, but Mark dies in a fiery Typhoon. She decides to quit her job and find it herself. Facing the dangers of the sea and the men she encountered, she continues to search for a perfect home for her fish. This film is like a non-fantasized version of the movie “Finding Nemo”. This is an underwater adventure drama.

Star Power

Tasha Chong did an excellent job, and presented her character well and the other supporting actors also did a good job.

Overall Opinion

Overall, this is a good movie with a unique concept. This film portrays friendship and bravery. It is good and is worth watching.