Drama Review: Girlfriend In The Men’s Group






Drama Digest

This short web drama by Cheez Films follows the friendship of the Nam Sachin group. Su-Ju, Ho-Tae and Tae-Hyun all coincidentally got involved with Jin-hee in a series of bizarre events. This all-guy friend group suddenly has a fourth member and now starts a new adventure. All about young love and enjoying the summer of youth, “Girlfriend in the Men’s Group” is a wonderful story of friendship and the romance of school life.

The Feel-Good Part

It is a mini-series so it is perfect for binge-watching. The whole series is just cute and refreshing. Throughout the entire series, there is a feel-good vibe going on. The characters are all very lovable and cute. The interactions between Jin-Hee and the boys are very endearing. Their friendship is super sweet and probably the biggest reason for watching this series. The manner in which they all become friends and then start protecting each other is just adorable. Another good thing about this series is that you can watch it whenever you want. If you are in a happy mood, this series will make you smile even more. If you are sad, this series will give you much-needed joy. There is no pressure or extreme plot twists. Everything is kept light and breezy. The length of each episode makes the entire show re-watchable.

The Disappointing Factor

The irony of this show is that its biggest strengths are also its weaknesses. There is no depth to the show and the plot seems incomplete. The episodes are linked together in a rather flimsy manner. Many viewers may see this as nothing more than mindless binge material. Not that there is anything wrong with that kind of content but of course even within a short span of time people prefer some substance. The actors have either overdid their acting or have not lived up to the standards of their characters. They do not feel very natural in playing out students. Moreover, the manner in which the group becomes friends is a far stretch from reality.

In-Depth Analysis

The summer of youth – this is the exact way to describe this series. Although “Girlfriend in the Men’s Group” may not exactly be some tear-jerking coming of age series, it still does a decent job. It is cute, fluffy and most of all, it still manages to be entertaining. Given the time frame of the series, it is a balanced comedic portrayal of friendship among high-school students. The premise is a little stoic but the overall feel of the show is quite happy.

Star Power

This series features up-and-coming, young actors like Son Ho Tae, Kim Yoon, and Jihye Choi. They all look adorable in the series and their chemistry is very good. Although their portrayal of high-school kids is a little far-fetched. They all still managed to give us quite an entertaining performance.

Overall Opinion

I would really suggest this series to anyone wanting to binge on something light and fluffy. Don’t watch this series expecting some great storyline. Watch it with an open mind and just have fun in the process because it really is worth it.