Drama Review: Fugitive Doctor F






Drama Digest

Fugitive Doctor F, which is also known as Touboui F is a Japanese Thriller-action genre drama series. The plotline revolves around a genius surgeon who believes that all patients, including criminals, deserve equal medical attention and care. He doesn’t discriminate between his patients even if the patients have a history of challenging law and order. His life turns when his girlfriend gets murdered, and he becomes the prime suspect. He flees away, leaving his identity and assumes a new identity as ‘Narumi Kensuke, ‘ and decides to find about the murder of his lover.

The Feel-Good Part

Firstly, Narita Ryo is a treat to watch on screen and he, owned up the character he played which makes an attractive point for watching the series. Secondly, the humorous tone used in the series is pretty good too. The story is pretty engaging, which makes the viewers hooked on the episodes.

The Disappointing Factor

The genre mixing was not at all smooth in, Fugitive Doctor F.’ One moment a serious scene is going on, the other moment, a comedy scene pops up. Though the directors attempted to mix the genre for entertainment but unfortunately, the flow of the mixing genre was bumpy and not at all smooth. The direction and production were not up to the mark too. In some of the scenes, the actors indulged in overacting, which the viewer has to deal with.

In-Depth Analysis

The lead character Fujiki Keisuke is an expert in the medical domain. He possesses vast knowledge, skills and is a genius neurosurgeon. He believes in treating every patient equally regardless of the background, and history of the patient, which even includes criminals. His life turns upside down when his lover gets murdered and he becomes the prime suspect in the murder. He leaves his reputation and identity and goes on a run hiding hence becoming a fugitive. He assumes the fake name of Narumi Kensuke and he, decides to find out the truth about the murder of his lover. Even on his run, he caters to people who need medical care and attention, fulfilling his duty as a doctor.

Star Power

Narita Ryo plays the titular character of Fujiki Keisuke. The Supporting cast includes, Matsuoka Masahiro as Yagami Takuro, Mori Nana as Sawai Mikako, Kiriyama Akito as Hasegawa Teruhiko, Yasuda Ken as Sasaki Yoshiro, Maeda Atsuko as Karasuma Kyoko and many more.

Overall Opinion

Overall, Fugitive Doctor F is a decent medical thriller drama series with a pretty exciting plotline that manages to keep the audience hooked on. This drama series might be a treat for fans who love the action genre. Fugitive Doctor F is adapted from a manga called Touboui F, and the live-action drama version pretty much matched the originality of the manga, which is a good thing.