Drama Review: The Autumn Ballad






Drama Digest

The narrative of Qiu Yan, a clever young lady, and Liang Yi, a cold-faced duke, who progress from sparring with wits and bravery to understanding and supporting one another. Qiu Yan is the Qiu Manor’s least favoured oldest daughter. She was able to gradually enjoy contentment by relying on her own efforts and knowledge.

The Feel-Good Part

You’ll really enjoy the scene where Qiu Yan informs him that she is the girl he rescued years ago. His expression is just adorable. Although some viewers criticize his unclear pronunciation in his talks, You’ll be drawn to and entranced by his seductive deep voice, as are many other viewers. There’s a strong, intellectual, and imperfect female protagonist with a steadfast personality and unyielding spirit.

The Disappointing Factor

In the later episodes, the plot begins to lose its interest. There are still twists, but things are becoming more predictable. Many illogical logic begins to seep in, for example, how can one work closely with someone who has just slain someone who is like a brother to you? Working alongside someone who has slain one’s loved ones is one of many such logic faults in the drama.

In-Depth Analysis

Qiu Yan is the second master of the Qiu family’s concubine-born daughter. Everyone in her family despises her, with the exception of her legal mother, who adores her. When Qiu Yan was a child, robbers kidnapped her and her birth mother and brother, but a young man saves her and gives her a fan, which becomes a symbol of Qiu Yan’s desire to become educated and rise beyond her position in her extremely patriarchal and discriminatory society. The story follows Qiu Yan as she survives and succeeds in life by using her wits, knowledge, street smarts, and intelligence. And Liang Yi is the main lead. He’s also pretty cool.

Star Power

A few shows are devoted to showing their relationship as they begin to develop affections for each other, which delights many viewers. After episode 20 or so, it’s a given that they’re a couple. They don’t express their feelings to each other, but they both know what’s on the other’s mind. They are nearly inseparable as they solve puzzles and uncover a massive conspiracy while saving one other’s lives. For many romance fans, seeing a couple that can read each other’s minds so well and gives the audience a lot of beautiful moments is fulfilling; their chemistry is fantastic. For the first 20 episodes, their interactions seem like a rom-com, with smears and sarcasms directed at each other, which is a lot of fun to watch.

Overall Opinion

The drama and its conniving couple, both smart and sharing the same belief, will captivate you. These two lovebirds are like a duet, constantly harmonising with one another. Great stories, themes, and journeys make this a genuinely enjoyable ensemble.