Drama Review: Everybody In The House





0 Hrs 25 Mins



Drama Digest

This Chinese drama is about a freelance programmer who lives in a relocated house that belongs to his grandfather while his grandfather lives in a three-bedroom house. They had a massage parlor in their community. The grandfather ends up spraining a customer and landing him at the hospital. He had to rent out his house where the freelance programmer lived. The renter is an enemy of the programmer and the show proceeds with them gradually having chemistry. Their daily life is displayed in the drama with lots of laughter, and comedy. It is one of those dramas where you cannot stop laughing. If you are looking for a light and comedy-drama, this one is for you. Watch the drama to learn about the story of these two enemies and their daily chemistry.

The Feel-Good Part

The best part about this show is that it is a light and comedy show. It shows the life of the two people who are not on good terms with each other. Their daily banter and fights shown in a comedic way where one cannot stop laughing is another good thing about this Chinese drama. It has various themes such as comedy, family, fights, and chemistry. Everybody In The House is one of the most loved dramas. It is fun to watch with all the banter, laughter, and comedy between the characters.

The Disappointing Factor

The only disappointment is that it has a few characters who are very irritating, annoying. The drama is presented well, but some characters make it hard to watch. Some parts of the show seem to be forced and are not funny. There is not much disappointment in this show as it is a light and comic drama.

In-Depth Analysis

Ma Dai is a freelance programmer who lives in a relocated house that belonged to his grandfather, Ma Tian Ming. Ma Tian Ming lived in a three-bedroom house along with his granddaughter and also her family. They had a community massage parlor where the grandfather sprung his customer accidentally. He had to pay for his treatment at the hospital. He decided to rent out the house where Ma Dai lived to compensate for his loss. Ma Dai had to end up sharing his home with Peng Wei Wei, an anchor on Taobao Live. The two are not on good terms and gradually start having chemistry. This drama shows their regular life in their relocated house with lots of laughter and banter.

Star Power

The characters and cast of the drama performed their role well and made it look like the drama was a reality. They had perfectly molded themselves into the parts of the drama and brought life into the show. They perfectly balanced the theme of comedy and drama. He Ping and Bella Liang perfectly portrayed the enemy theme with the slow chemistry between them.

Overall Opinion

The show is highly underrated and it has not yet reached the audience all over. It is one of those dramas that are very well written, and portrayed but have not gotten famous. There is a perfect theme of comedy, love, and family, which brings a smile to the audience’s face. This light and comedy-drama is worth watching and is one of the most wholesome dramas. It has a different plot, not your usual Chinese drama plot. It is a must-watch.