Anime Review: Tongari Boushi No Atelier

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Drama digest

Coco is a humble dressmaker’s daughter and has always been fascinated by magic and the witches who cast it. Despite taking all the rigorous precautions, they hid their ways from the public. When Coco takes advantage to spy on the competent witch Qifrey, she realizes that her favorite picture book is a covered-up a magic book. Out of excitement, she tested the various spells. When a while caused the disaster at her house, Qifrey rescued her in time and decartelized her. He realized that she was the first lead he had found that could help him track down the Brimmed Caps. Brimmed Caps was a risky group of dissidents who experimented with unlawful body-altering magic and scattered magical artifacts among the commoners. Before confronting the Brimmed Caps, she will improve her magical skills and learn to get along with Qifrey’s other learners.

The feel-good part

The storyline was great and enjoyable. The characters were engaging. It was a fantastic anime to watch.

The disappointing factor

Voice dubbing was annoying at times, and the editing was not good.

In-depth analysis

There comes responsibility with magic. After Coco realizes her love for the magic, she buys a magic book and a pen with the ink that is utilized to cast trances from the mysterious witch. Once a flying chariot comes by her house and breaks down with the meddling of two boys. Flying chariots are not able to pass on their own and need a spell to be fixed. Coco has the necessary skills to cast. She has to pay a tremendous cost for her actions. Any person who holds the magic ink can use the magic. The story was simple, but it was delivered and executed in an excellent manner. It stayed at a gentle pace. Each and every character was unique in their way, and most of them developed within the story. All of them were charming and relatable in some or the other way. The main character was enjoyable.

Star power

The characters were portrayed in a realistically. They expressed their emotions well. Coco showed amazement at everything related to magic. None of the character remained stagnant or one-dimensional. The supporting characters was delightful. All the characters were written with depth.

Overall opinion. 

This magic anime is interesting. There were some fall flat as the initial hook. The girls were charming to watch, and their concepts were interesting.