Anime Review: Sabikui Bisco(Anime)

Also Knowns As: Rust-Eater Bisco



Drama Digest

Some sort of plague rushes across Japan’s post-apocalyptic wasteland which leaves nothing in its wake but rust. It is affecting the living and non-living things equally and it can be cured by only one thing and that is a fungus. Bisco Akaboshi who is a skilled archer and a wanted criminal is looking for a fabled and ancient mushroom, known as Sabikui, with the potential of gobbling any “rust disease”.  He is out on the adventure of searching for this mushroom, joined by a giant crab and a young doctor.

The Feel-Good Part

The world-building is amazing and has a nice aura and variation about it. the concept is idiosyncratic, unique, and distinctive. The show has a good thrill about it and seems a little quirky.

The Disappointing Factor

Again, it is just another show with an exciting plot but bad execution and poor animation. Also, there are a lot of plot holes, and some things just don’t make sense because they are not explained well.

In-Depth Analysis

The show takes place in post-apocalyptic Japan which has turned sterile and arid wasteland. And anything and everything that is exposed to it starts rusting. The government starts banning mushrooms because wherever there is rust, there are mushrooms and so the people think that the rust disease is spreading because of the mushrooms.

Sabikui who is considered a criminal always carries a bow and arrow with him which has some magical power so that wherever he shoots the arrow, a mushroom grows. Now Sabikui and a young doctor know that the mushrooms are keeping the rust at bay and so they team up to search for the rust-eater variety of mushrooms to eliminate the rust and save everyone.

Star Power

The main characters of the story are delightful and entertaining. The doctor is kindhearted. The bond shared by Milo and Bisco is wholesome, and the crab is just a piece of art.

Overall Opinion

The show has a lot of potentials but the execution was poor. There were a lot of plot holes and bad character development. Can give it a try because of the unique storyline.