Anime Review: Interspecies Reviewers


Anime Digest

From elves to succubi to fairies, they inhabit the red-light area. With so many choices, how does one determine the kind of succu girl to enjoy the experience?

But fear not, there is a group of brave warriors who have come together and will make the selection easy for you. The warriors led by the Stunk, a human zel and Crimvael, a hermaphrodite angel rate the girls for a better experience.

These perverted soldiers work on the Yoruno Glass Girls and will leave no stone unturned or in this case no girl unresearched.

The Feel Good Part

The series come to life owing to the fabulous animation. Each character has a life and the graphic artists need to be appreciated for the same.

The Disappointing Factor

The story line is a bit unusual and conservative and might sit well in an age where women feel insulted to be rated. While the series mocks the times we are in yet it might not sit well with some members of the audience.

In-Depth Analysis

The series has fabulous animation but the theme is a bit anti-feminist as it shows the girls being rated.

Star Power

The animation is marvelous.

Overall Opinion

The anime is not for all and one must keep an open mind about the theme.