Anime Review: Gleipnir




Drama Digest

Gleipnir is about a high school student who has the ability to transform into costumes of monsters. One day he saves a girl by transforming into said monster, a secret he had to keep under wraps for some time. She later forces him to join forces to look for her sister who has also turned into a monster, and needs Shiuchi’s help to go on this dangerous path of the unknown filled with treacherous creature..

The Feel-Good Part

The show provides viewers with a nuanced portrayal of deep seated issues of adolescence and an insight in the minds of young adults. These issues are represented through intense action sequences and horror, which is fascinating as it makes for a perfect allegory to the coming of age experience. The animation is incredible. The style and techniques is beautifully executed especially during the fight sequences.  There is a lot of detail expressed through the animation, especially during the transformation sequences. This really sets the anime apart from other on-going shows. The show deals with dark and sexual themes that provides an interesting exploration of the teenage experience. The characters are quite distinctive from one another, well-written, and have their driving forces explained well, which gives viewers a clear motivation to root for them.

The Disappointing Factor

The anime has a rough start; the first four episodes are difficult to get by as it sets up the plot and the characters but may come off as tedious in its approach. The dialogue is quite confusing and messy, which takes the viewer out of their experience. The dialogue is quite childish, which may have been intentional but it doesn’t translate well on screen, especially with the dark themes expressed throughout the show. The anime requires patience as it takes time to build the world and let the audience get acquainted with its characters.

In-Depth Analysis

The anime wraps up well; all the questions posed are answered in the last two episodes. It ends on an extremely strong note; the last two episodes are by far the show’s most robust element as it leaves the audience wanting more. However, it can also get overwhelming as there is a lot that happens at the end, which could be hard to follow and may not land the intended impact. The anime may suffer from pacing inconsistencies because of this, yet it delivers an action packed thirteen episode run, which is formidable.

Star Power

All the performances were excellent. The voice actors have worked on established anime shows like Demon Slayer and Rascal does not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, which is why the expectations were high and they delivered on it.

Overall Opinion

Gleipnir may not be for everyone because of its dark theme and tone but it is a rewarding experience when given a chance. Anime enthusiasts who enjoy good animation are in for a treat. The show has a lot of potential to take the story forward in multiple seasons, which seems promising. The anime makes for a thrilling watch for fans of the Action and Mystery genre.