Anime Review: The Furious Yama




Anime Digest

Xiao Luo is a girl who aspires to be the new king of underworld. In order to become the king, she needs to first, overcome her fear of ghosts. When she overcame her fear of ghosts and worked on her faults, she was able to become the king of underworld.

 The Feel-Good Part

The voice acting done by the voice artists was par excellence and plentiful; the opening song and ending song were quite entertaining and catchy at the same time. There were not many background effects like usually prescribed for other animes, but the limited music in the anime series was pretty good overall.

 The Disappointing Factor

In the opinion of audience, the time range of episodes was pretty short. The creators could have done much better with the background sounds. There were not many disappointments in the series as the series was relatively quick and fast.

 In-Depth Analysis

The story has been based on a girl who is a young Yama (god and judge of the dead), Xiao Luo, who becomes the king figure in the underworld shown in anime. The girl Xiao is scared of haunters and ghosts and with her intellect, she tries to conquer her lacks and fears and grows over time. The voice actors of this anime have put more characters into the characters. The short-running anime could not take all the flesh and knowledge out of the characters for the public because of its episode time range however, the anime has seasons furthermore to it giving Xiao Luo her attained status.

 Star Power

Xiao Luo is a young Yama who aspires to be the underworld king someday. Yama in Chinese mythology defined as ‘god and judge of the dead.’ To become the underworld king, Xiao needs to overcome her fears of ghosts, and only by conquering these fears would she become the underworld almighty king.

 Overall Opinion

The story adapted from a manhua, and because they only have 7-8 min per episode, it rushes the story way too much. If the writers had given the series more time, they might have been able to flesh out the story and characters more. Overall, it is not a bad watch, and does not take too long to finish. Mainly comedy, but if you’re into Chinese Mythology, that is an advantage too. You see a lot of powerful figures and characters from Chinese Mythology and see how they have transformed themselves in better living versions. Kind of like Percy Jackson, where the Gods are often a more modern, down-to-earth version. To put in best words, this is an outstanding story, but it required more screen time to flesh out every detail from the characters.