Movie Reviews: Mega Relax Flight



Movie Digest

It’s about what happens when a plane takes off from the ground and reaches its destination. The beauty is beyond a man’s reach. It shows everything one watches through the window during the journey on a flight.

The Feel-Good Part

The art matched perfectly with every scene. The scenery is excellent. The transition between the scenes is good. The short film has a good number of fabulous scenes. It brings a new side to the aesthetic. It is a down-to-earth film. It’s not common to see a film based only on its aesthetics. Everyone is after a good plot and thrilling characters. No one wants a boring plot with only the beauty of the sky. But they came up with a movie like this, which is interesting. The art style and scene representation are good. The cinematography is good, and all the scenes are presented perfectly.

The Disappointing Factor

The movie is mainly for nephrophiles. So for someone who didn’t have at least a slight interest in the aesthetic, they are not going to like the movie. It will be boring to see the sky and clouds the whole time. There is nothing but beauty that we can see through the windows of a plane. But that’s the whole point of the short film. To let us see the world through the beauty beyond the windows when someone travels on a plane.

In-Depth Analysis

This is a short film where we can see the sky and the scenery after a plane takes off. It’s a dream for almost everyone to travel by plane at least once. A lot of people have an obsession with the skies. They seem to notice and observe the sky and clouds every time they can. Wanting to watch the sky and clouds up close from a plane will definitely be on their bucket list for sure. The movie did a good job of impressing them. They are definitely going to like the movie. The art and aesthetics are sure to please.

Star Power

Since it’s a short film about the beauty of nature, it only contains the beauty of the sky. There are no famous characters or popular stars. The sky and the clouds are the main characters of the movie. When we watch it, we will understand that it’s true that we don’t need an artist as a character, other than the beauty of the clouds and sky.

Overall Opinion

Overall, for those who are fans of art and beauty, it will be a good one. It is pretty enjoyable even though the plot mainly focuses on art. Not much is happening throughout the whole time period that is interesting or thrilling. If we put aside that the story is only about the sky, it is pretty good. It is suitable for a stress-free day and for having a good time.