Movie Reviews: Yellow Dragon’s Village

1 Hrs 6 Mins




1 Hrs 6 Mins

Movie Digest

8 college kids go for a adventurous trip on a minivan after school vacation. They go deep in mountains in a countryside village area. While having fun all of a sudden they get a flat tire and not only that, they have no signals on their phone either. They find a village called Totsukiri and immediately got welcomed by a scarecrow with a knife in it’s head. There a man comes, who introduces himself as Shinjiro and fixes their car. He also invites them to his house for the night. They get a lavishing meal already prepared for them. Even after everything being a little weird they stay the night there. Three robotic women staff already being ready to welcome them, hanging jacket of old guests, and with a very disturbing feeling about the whole surroundings… what will they do the next morning. Will they flee from the village and live or die!

The Feel Good Part

Fatal encounter with inhabitants of forest is a long stapel of Japanese Film Industry. A slasher movie, with obnoxious young adults get their bloody end – what’s not to love there! Gruesome rituals, cannibalism, cult like factors everything makes the movie a great suspense-horror. A very fast based, dark comedy movie with some deadly serious points make this one an amazing execution. And the cherry on top of all is the midway twist and the humors.

The Disappointing Factor

There is not much negative points to discuss. But the characters could have more deep reactions and arcs. The fighting scenes were really lengthy and boring.

In-Depth Analysis

This is movie is basically an erratic, hilarious, genre shifting, martial arts horror-comedy with found footage elements. It shows how teenage is a age to be obnoxious, to be exploring and adventurous.

Star Power

The main enjoyment of the movie is it’s mysterious and suspense errie nature. It’s a perfect horror movie to watch on weekends. Gives the perfect adrenaline kicks.

Overall Opinion

A 10 out of 10 fully recommend. Loved it. The little minus points are easily avoidable. The scary scenes were really good.