Movie Reviews: My Friendship

0 Hrs 31 Mins




0 Hrs 31 Mins

Movie Digest

Bank and Jack have a complicated relationship. Studying in an all-boys, in the beginning, they don’t get along but as the year progresses, they both are attracted to each other. But what they have is purely a sexual relationship. As the story moves, they develop feelings for each other but even after all this Bank doesn’t even consider himself gay. He tells him to go away and something unexpected happens.

The Feel-Good Part

Despite being a short film, it is amazing. They gave us everything a BL movie should have in a 30-minute time duration. The story is amazing. The acting is outstanding and the production is fantastic. Many full-length movies aren’t able to give what this short film gave in 30-minute.

The Disappointing Factor

Because of the 30-minute time duration, the movie has its own flaws. As we fully get to know the characters, the movie ends. This short film has really good and it needs to be a full-length movie but unfortunately, it is just a short film.

In-Depth Analysis

My Friendship is a short film that revolves around Bank and Jack. They develop feelings for each other but Bank refuses to accept this and in fact, he even refuses to accept that he is gay. The ending was unexpected and tragic. Also, the second season for this short film is announced so let’s see what more stories they have after this twist.

The movie really shows the struggle of coming out with your true identity. The storyline is good with a tragic ending. The short film gives a good dive into Bank and Jack’s world.

Star Power

Mon Hatsawatchon Wongsrisai and Oak Puwanart Runapnain are brilliant actors. They did their part really well and were immersed in their characters fully. They both were amazing at playing Bank and Jack.

Overall Opinion

It is a good movie. The movie is presented very well. Despite having a short running time, they were able to present everything they wanted in an exceptionally amazing way. And as the movie is 30-minute long so it doesn’t hurt to give it a try.