Movie Reviews: Wild Grass

1 Hrs 52 Mins




1 Hrs 52 Mins

Movie Digest

In the booming 1990s, a narrative is about two young women and one young lad who rise with their aspirations that flame out but discover life in the middle of sadness. 3 people live in a small Chinese city. Yun Qiao intends to live his life as if it were a film; Li Mai wishes for a bright future; Wu Feng prepares to meet the hardships of everyday life. Everyone has their own vision of the future, but will it be the one they desire?

The Feel-Good Part

It’s a wonderful movie with stunning cinematography and an interesting analysis of critical social issues.

The Disappointing Factor

It’s a chaotic premise that occasionally works against the film; the use of more tonal consistency would have helped here. The movie looked very messed up and it was hard to connect with the characters. However, while the use of color and lighting is incredibly amazing, the camera work and editing aren’t nearly as great, and the soundtrack could’ve been more distinctive as well. The brass ring continues to elude Wild Grass. A gloomy, but ultimately unsatisfying film.

In-Depth Analysis

The plot is divided among several people, and each of them introduces their own distinct genre influences. There’s a heartbreaking story about a dancer, some puppy love that adds a little romance, and a story about a little boy with minor crime aspects. Apart from the instances when they intersect, these stories stand on their own.

Star Power

Sandra Ma and Zhong Chuxi, two of China’s hottest young actresses, gave an excellent performances, but the plot was not for them, and the audience was frustrated by the actors’ lack of screen time. The brass ring escapes Wild Grass’ clutches. It’s an ambitious drama about three people who are struggling to accomplish their dreams.

Overall Opinion

The film started slowly, but the strong ideas on each of the sorties kept the audience engaged, and the artistry left us wondering what would happen at the end.