Movie Reviews: Mao Shan

1 Hrs 19 Mins




1 Hrs 19 Mins

Movie Digest

Yin Shou Yi has wanted to be the hero of Maoshan ever since he was a young child. But his dreams were never fulfilled as his mother hoped that he can live his life peacefully instead of fighting off in some corner. Without the approval of his mother, he participated in the Jiulong Daoist Master Selection Ceremony and somehow accidentally won it. Winning means he now has to take on the responsibility to save the mountain of Maoshan. The antagonist or villain of Maoshan is Luo Huan Zhen, he provokes Maoshan time and again. The movie explores the question, will Yin Shou Yi be able to protect the mountain Maoshan?

The Feel Good Part

The storyline seems interesting and worth exploring. The CGI is really good and the special effects make the movie exciting for the viewers. The actors did a good job with all the action scenes and the hefty dialogues.

The Disappointing Factor

Some viewers may find the movie boring as the concept is not unique and being interesting would not be enough to gather an audience. Those who are not fans of fantasy action may also find this unbearable because the movie surrounds that action flick theme.

In-Depth Analysis

Maoshan is a movie that has been incredibly made. The production seems like a large-scale piece, the CGI is good enough and the special after effects are seriously so exciting. The storyline is interesting but I won’t call it good, it is complicated. The complex plot and constant introduction of characters one by one is confusing and never-ending. The movie gets a bit repetitive by the end but it is still a good watch. It is a one-time watch, pretty easy on the mind for those who love fantasy action flicks but a bit boring on the extreme side for those who are aversive of anything to do with dramatic action sequences.

Star Power

The cast of this movie is commendable, from di Liu to Zhang dong, everybody has done a good job with their acting and complimented the complex storyline by adding twists to their characters.

Overall Opinion

Overall, the movie is an interesting and fun easy watch. Viewers should give this movie a try, they might even love it.