Movie Reviews: Cliff Walkers



Movie Digest

Four Chinese Communist Party agents parachute back to Harbin in Northeastern China in the early 1930s. Together, they embark on a top-secret operation code-named Utrennya. The goal is to extract a former prisoner who may expose the Imperial Japanese Army’s Unit 731’s unethical human experimentation and other crimes against humanity in front of the international audience. To avoid being apprehended, the squad broke into two groups upon landing. Group 1 realizes they’ve been sold out by a traitor soon after the separation. Will group 1 be able to communicate with group 2 and complete the mission?

The Feel-Good Part

Cinematography reaches a pinnacle here, beginning with the panoramic shots of the intro and extending throughout the film with the way he captures all elements inside the thick snow simply marvelous.

The Disappointing Factor

The movie loses the power to tell a particular story as the film progress.

In-Depth Analysis

Cliff Walkers tell the story of four Soviet-trained Chinese operatives tasked with tracking down an informer who has fled from a Japanese-occupied site utilized for nefarious purposes such as torture. Their goal is to avoid capture and make it to Harbin, where they can transport the informer to safety across the border. A substantial portion of the film focuses on Group 1’s efforts to warn the other group, who has continued their journey to Harbin with no idea of what is going on. As a network of betrayals, double-crossings, tortures, and spy games envelops everyone, everyone’s life is in peril. No one knows if the people standing alongside them are friends or opponents. Aside from the sassy costumes, the production design recreates Harbin’s old streets and buildings with a nostalgic feel. The action scenes are well-executed and highlight cinematic spectacle, with multiple nasty melees, loud gunfights, explosive chase sequences, and quick vehicle chases.

Star Power

You cannot pick particular actors as everyone did their best with the given materials. They were able to express emotions well to the audience throughout the movie.

Overall Opinion

This film is visually exquisite. You will be engaged and enjoy the movie from the beginning till the end.