Drama Review: Prik Gub Klur





1 Hrs 25 Mins



Drama Digest

Siam finds out that his father was indulging in extramarital affairs and marries that lady soon after his mother’s death. It made Siam leave his house. Jeed also faces similar issues to Siam with her family. Due to these stresses, she drives around fast and accidentally hits on Siam. The car stops, and Siam helps fix her car. After a few instances like these, Jeed hires Siam to work for her father’s company. Both of them grow feelings for each other eventually.

The Feel-Good Part

The cinematography was good. There is more than enough drama in this show to satisfy your cravings.

The Disappointing Factor

The storyline is very cliché, and nothing new is put forward to the table. Everything seems to be too dramatized.

In-Depth Analysis

This show is an adaptation of 2012 ‘Prik Gub Klur’ where they tried to keep almost everything the same without adding new elements. It is also basic ‘hate turns to love’ drama and is filled with cheating scandals every minute as you watch. Sima has a calm and collected personality, while Jeed is more outgoing and opinionated. These personality traits bring these two characters closer together. They also have a very similar family situation which adds an extra layer to make them connect more. They have put their effort into making a lot of twists and turns. This show has everything you can expect in a drama.

Star Power

Thanwa Suriyajak (Siam) and Sonya Singha (Jeed) have good chemistry on and off-screen. They have worked on a project together before. Both have embodied their characters well.

Overall Opinion

It is a very drama-filled show with a lot of scandals. If this is up to your interest, do watch it!