Drama Review: Na Rae, Kicking Out

Also Knowns As: Narae, Rise Up, Wings Fly Up, Nalae, Bagchaoleuda





Drama Digest:

“Na Rae, Kicking Out” will center around Taekwondo and a former national Taekwondo athlete who falls from grace and a person full of good luck in a countryside town.

The Feel-Good Part:

Even without numerous pointless narrative twists, the drama is engaging. Almost everything is mixed together in the play. The general plot, which is well-written, advances steadily.

The Disappointing Factor:

Although it has a powerful beginning, it could have been stronger. For those who enjoy Korean dramas with their typical narrative style, this might appear a little weird.

In-Depth Analysis:

Screenwriting is done well. It didn’t perform terribly, exactly. However, it also yielded no results. The first half, which includes multiple plot twists, introduces issues that are resolved in the second half. Early episodes may have a slow pace, and there might not have been much going on at all. Given that they appeared to inhabit their characters, the actors were superbly cast.

Star Power:

The lead actors are Lee Jun Young as Sun Woo, Stephanie Lee as Tae Mi Ra who excel in their respective roles. All of the performances in the film, from the extras to the main characters, are outstanding.

Overall Opinion:

You shouldn’t watch this drama just for amusement. If you want to see a drama with a sweet message, I have no doubt that this drama will linger with you for a very long time since it felt so real while watching it, like one could imagine every event in front of oneself. For those who have watched several of these programs, this one is special because of its original plot.