Drama Review: All Of Us Are Dead Zombie Exam






Drama Digest

All of us are dead zombie exam is a Korean TV show on Netflix. Participants of the show are the cast members of the series ‘All of us are dead’. Members take an exam to learn all about zombies. It is a fun and interesting show. It proceeds through different games and the winner gets gifts from Netflix. Participants were Lomon, Park Ji Hu, Yoon Chan Young, Cho Yi Hyun, Yoo In Soo, and Lee You Mi. The game is divided into four periods. The final winner is decided by the points they gained, from playing all the levels. The first level starts from a written test on shows on Netflix and ends in the last level of the Zombie-Human game. The fascinating and childish behaviour of the cast makes it more attractive.

The Feel-Good Part

The show is funny and entertaining. All the members are energetic and cheerful. Netflix never fails to entertain their viewers. There is a special bond shared between these members. Their friendship and the background story they share during the game are interesting. They all know each other very well.

The Disappointing Factor

The viewers who love the team of Lomon may be disappointed because, in the end, they lose. Sadly, gifts are only given to the winning team.

In-Depth Analysis

All of us are dead zombie exam is an interesting Netflix game show participated by the cast of ‘All of us are dead’. It is a thriller Korean zombie series, in which a virus outbreak in a school. The cast played their roles well. In the game show, they are supposed to play four levels of games. They are divided into two teams of three members. One is ‘team I love you’ which is Lomon’s team. Other is ‘team Bermuda’ which is In Soo’s team. The first level is called the first period. It was taking a written exam on zombie topics. It was the funniest level. Both teams played well and Team Lomon won.

The next period was a language test. They were given a script and asked to read it along with acting. The performance of both the teams was equal. It was an interesting level. Next was the physics period. They were supposed to build a tower using small chairs. Cute and cheerful level. Everyone tried their level best. The final level was the most crucial and amazing. The cast was the two teams of three members. One is a human team and the other zombie team. Theme with more number of humans will be the winner. In Soo was incredible. They played dramatically. Finally, Team Bermuda won.

Star Power

The cast of ‘All of us are dead’ has already taken the hearts of the audience. Their wonderful and active participation made the show successful. The crew behind the show was amazing and supportive.

Overall Opinion

Great show with lots of fun elements. The cheerful and cute attitude of the cast members. Friendly crew. Beautifully planned game levels. It will give a wonderful experience.