Drama Review: Seiren No Zange






Drama Digest

Adapted from the novel “Sirens no Zange” by Nakayama Shichiri, 2020’s thriller, mystery drama following a strong female lead Takami, who has been working 2 years as a reporter for the news program “Afternoon Japan,” which is approaching its cancellation. In an attempt to reive the program, Takami along with her senior reporter Taichi, track down the scoop from an incident of a female high school student’s kidnapping. The further they dig, they realise just how serious of a case this really is. To keep up with the suspense, make sure to tune into the drama!

The Feel-Good Part

One of the aspects to the writing of the drama that stands out, is how it tackles the realities of the dynamics between the police, media and public. The concern of misinformation, deception, false advertising and corruption are addressed which is what makes it such a captivating watch. The drama sheds light on the unfortunate disregard for the humanity of the victim, for the sake of a good story. Additionally, it balances the prospect of the negative impact “too much truth” could have in media for the public eye. This dilemma leaves the audience in a state of contemplation much after the series’ completion.

The Disappointing Factor

Siren no Zange comes with its flaws, and the drawback of the drama is in the predictability of its twists, especially for watchers fammilair with the thriller, mystery genres. Similarly, the performances of some of the supporting characters were unfulfilling (especially in contrast to the success of the lead roles).

In-Depth Analysis

With a deeper exploration of the narrative over the development in characters, the drama is successful in conveying various underlying and intriguing themes. It explores the morally grey area of media misinformation through an exciting adventure, as well as complex characters faced with very real and thought provoking challenges.

Star Power

Araki Yuko’s performance left a valuable impact on the audience through an engaging and powerful grasp of the protagonist Takami’s character.

Overall Opinion

If you have an affinity for the thrill of suspense, an interesting story and an insight into thought provoking dilemmas, Seiren no Zange is the perfect watch for you!