Drama Review: Haru To Ao No Obento Bako






Drama Digest

Haru is an ordinary student working in the university’s library. She is not interested in anything particular except checking out the latest mangas on her smartphone. She also skips on meals sometimes and doesn’t pay much attention to her health. People around her pity her way of living, making her feel depressed at times. She visits her usual drinking spot one day and meets an androgynous-looking guy named Ao Kun. They both hit it off right away and spontaneously start living together. But on the conditions that both shall make lunch boxes for one another.

The Feel-Good Part

The show is light-hearted and wholesome to watch. The atmosphere of this show is fluffy and cozy with some self-love-based advice. The main idea of the show was the importance of self-love and the value of opening up to others and making new friends. The storyline was simple yet appealing enough to watch the developments going on. The audience will also get some Japanese bento recipes. The character development and their interactive growth felt authentic in every way.

The Disappointing Factor

The show had some dull episodes which felt like fillers. The show had some overacting moments. The script was a bit of a letdown that lessens the impact of the plot.

In-Depth Analysis

A girl named Haru has been depressed for a while, with her only interest being reading the mangas. Her lack of attention toward food and health seems to increase every day. On a lonely night, she meets a boy named Ao, and they seem to have bonded well in a short time. They both decide to live together under the condition that they will make bento boxes together. After living together for some days, they both realize the difference in their lifestyle from what people think is the usual way of living. They question their ways of life and constantly reassure each other that they are fine and happy. Their friendship grows stronger with time, and they support each other through hard times. They both start healing in some ways and depending on each other.

Star Power

Kato Ayaka is the director of this series. Abe Sayaka and Kawasaki Izumi are the screenwriters of the show. Yoshitani Ayako plays the role of Haru Haruha, and Inowaki Kai plays the character of Sato Ao in this series.

Overall Opinion

The show provides a calm and healing storyline with a budding friendship between Haru and Ao. A beautiful portrayal of necessary life changes and the support needed to get through bad times. The show becomes a reminder for every viewer to eat healthy food on time. The show’s genre is a slice of life with delicious food recipes to keep audiences invested.