Drama Review: Hakozume: Tatakau! Koban Joshi






Drama Digest

Tatakau Hakozume! In this astonishingly realistic and fascinating police drama series, a former ace investigator with a tainted background and a wide-eyed newcomer make a dynamic buddy cop combo!

The Feel Good Part

There were some hilarious moments in this drama. There are also some extremely cute ones. And Yuki Yamada was fantastic as Detective Yamada. And all of the cops’ relationships, among the many partner pairings, were wonderful, charming, and touching. The station chief performing his routine inspection of the men and ladies under his charge in the first episode is amusing.

The Disappointing Factor

It’s one of those programmes where the overarching story is less important than the relationships between the individuals and the moments that result. The tale is satisfactorily concluded, although it is not the show’s primary focus. The cops appeared to be more like typical small-town clerks than actual cops.

In-Depth Analysis

Kawai Mai, a 20-year-old rookie police officer, spends long hours in a police station and is physically and mentally exhausted. Despite the fact that she ostensibly works for the benefit of the community, she has never felt appreciated. Furthermore, she does not enjoy working at a police station. When Mai meets Fuji Seiko, the former ace investigator of the Criminal Investigations Division, she is preparing to send in her resignation. Seiko is believed to have been transferred to the police station for pestering a coworker, but… Because Mai and Seiko are coupled up, this encounter will have a tremendous impact on their lives. In cases, ordinary responsibilities, and romance, this strange couple struggles to aid and support each other.

Star Power

Muro Tsuyoshi’s quiet, distant demeanour, which blends fondness and distance, wisdom and cynicism, is usually good. Miura Shohei and Yamada Yuki both give strong performances and bring a comedic element to many of the scenes. As the tough but kind training officer, Toda Erika exudes maturity, and Nagano Mei is a breath of fresh air as the starry-eyed novice.

Overall Opinion

Great series to watch if you just want to enjoy the language and characters without having to worry about the plot. The journey is much more important in this series than the destination. On the surface, it appeared to be a playful jab against female cops. It was about friendship, trust, and finding satisfaction in the work they conducted together on a deeper level.