Drama Review: The Memory







The Male Lead, Xiang Hao, as Lin Chu Fan, was there as the principal cast. Watch ‘THE MEMORY’ to find out the details. The narrative is original and novel. There are, in their opinion, very few amusing parts in the entire movie. Both comical and tragic elements can be found in the plot.


The movie is entertaining even without many unnecessary plot twists. There is a mixture of almost everything in the film. The well-written overall plot progresses steadily. If you don’t understand Chinese, you can still enjoy this movie.


It gets off to a solid start, but it could have been stronger. Therefore, this might seem a little strange to those who appreciate Chinese dramas with their traditional narrative approach.


The inn’s proprietor is Lin Chu Fan, a friend of his who passed away. He devours ghosts. He is skilled at creating “the domain of lovely food” with food so that visitors can unwind there. Dong Li, referred to by Lin Chu Fan as the “black heart squeeze,” was in charge of the front desk, the butler, the waiter, and other duties. Lin Chu Fan is continuously “curing” the visitors’ psychological issues.

He starts to think that some things are unusual when the visitors arrive and depart, though. I can’t seem to remember the past; a girl named “Xiao Xiao” came to him and made him feel familiar, and the women in Xiao Xiao’s mind seemed to have a strange connection with him; he even discovered that they appeared to be unable to escape this mountain. He can weave the illusion for the guests, but he can never enter his own “sweet food.”

STAR POWER: The lead performers do a fantastic job in their roles. From the extras to the main characters, all of the performances in the movie are superb.

OVERALL OPINION: This unusual one has a unique plot for those who have watched numerous such dramas.