Drama Review: She Is The One





0 Hrs 45 Mins



Drama Digest

Yuan Yue Yue has agreed to marry a rich businessman to cover for her younger sibling’s mistake. She had never met the man she was supposed to marry on as it was her family’s request. On the day of the family she gets cold feet, to top it, her groom Jin Wu Chen was late because of a meeting. She decided to make a run for it, dodging everyone in her way. She tries to escape in a car by pulling a driver out of his car only to find her groom in the passenger seat. He threatens to turn her in to the police, and she begs for mercy. While this was happening a real car thief stole the car and she ran after him in her wedding dress while donning sneakers. This leaves Jin Wu Chen speechless. They decided to meet again and start over. Will their chaotic encounter turn into a real romance?

The Feel-Good Part

The drama starts off on a strong note; it is interesting and introduces the characters well, immediately pulling in their audience. It is an extremely funny show that is light hearted and is guaranteed to make you laugh out loud at various points in the show. The show’s tone is light-hearted and easy-going, which makes more a good comfort watch.

The Disappointing Factor

The story is borderline illogical, especially the anonymity between the main leads at the beginning of the show as, in this day and age it is very easy to look someone up and know their identity. The writing is full of over the top clichés which are off-putting, which makes the show predictable and boring. Its unrealistic story can get annoying very quickly. The female lead’s sunny personality comes with naivety, which gets exhausting to watch because she keeps repeating her mistakes. The character development is very sudden, it isn’t a slow progression that takes place over the course of twenty one episodes, it happens abruptly. Not only does this break the flow of the story, it also makes the story uneven and inconsistent. Even the backstory of the characters were extremely dull, which wastes time and makes the story longer than it needs to be. There is a lot going on in the show, too many characters and too many subplots. It is hard for the audience to keep up, and hence focus on the main plotline. There are certain scenes that are supposed to be comedy but come off as cringe, which may take the viewer out of their viewing experience.

In-Depth Analysis

The story should have been more concise and should have been shorter. It has all the elements to make for a perfectly romantic show that is comforting to watch; instead they went on about more uninteresting plotlines. The show would have benefited from making the story a little more realistic.

Star Power       

The performances in the show are decent. The chemistry of the characters are really the key aspect of the show, which was also probably the strongest aspect of the show.

Overall Opinion

All in all, the story is capable of showing you a good time if you are looking for an easy, mindless watch.