Drama Review: Don’t Disturb My Study





00 Hrs 45 Mins



Drama Digest

Adapted from the novel “Bie Xiang Da Rao Wo Xue Xi” by Yue Liu Guang, Don’t Disturb My Study follows 28-year-old Nan Xiang Wan as the director of human resources of a renowned conglomerate. Xiang Wan is a powerful woman, oozing confidence and self-assuredness. However, under the surface, Xiang Wan suffers from anxiety and livesunder the weight of her past as a student who faced academic discrimination. When futuristic psychotherapy takes Wang Xian’s memories 20 years back, she has to review her last year at high school and face Class 7.

To ensure that she re-enters Guanghua University, Xiang Wan has to tackle situation after situation. In doing so, she will have to put a brave face on as she will run into the classmates who always used to make it difficult for her to study, her father who despised her and live through the traumatising memories of high school.

The Feel-Good Part

While at first glance, many can and have dismissed the show based on the perception that this is the quintessential high school romance, Don’t Disturb My Study is a hidden gem. The creators have written the characters evenly, giving them enough dimensions and enough context for the way they act in public. The teenagers do not feel like caricatures, instead of real people. The show features an incredible cast who essay their roles perfectly, and the OST is beautiful.

 The Disappointing Factor

Some might find the protagonist slightly unlikeable in the first few episodes because she looks like an academically oriented uptight recluse, but soon the show breaks those walls down and creates thoroughly intriguing changes. Her sensitive nature also seems intentional on the writers’ part, because she breaks the unlikeable protagonist mould by significant character development. Some might also find the time travelling aspect of this show cliched and unoriginal, and the plot does rely on a few of the common tropes surrounding the concept.

In-Depth Analysis

This is a beautiful drama that explores teenagers tenderly, filling in old wounds and recognizing the importance of supposedly “little things” that happened a long time ago turning into permanent negative fixtures in our lives. The show has fleshed out characters that are appropriately developed as the episodes go by. There are no irrational arcs with ridiculous villains just for the sake of creating unnecessary turmoil. Characterised by powerful performances by the cast, this show manages to be one of the best dramas built around high school.

It does rely on popular and overused tropes of time travelling to achieve the emotional catharsis it set out to, but it is excusable because the show manages to create the impact it was meant to in the first place.

Star Power

Landy Li and Lai Kuan Li make it impossible to focus on any other characters but them. Their performances are incredible in this series.

Overall Opinion

This drama has all the elements to make it a perfect candidate for your next c-drama binge session.