Anime Review: Listeners




Anime Digest

The series sets in a dystopian existence where Humanity is shielded from Earless assaults by the Players, the last option acquiring popularity and fortune in the route. Echo Rec fantasies about joining the Players and guiding his very own mecha, however he has no possibilities of doing as such until he experiences μ – a confounding young lady who’s lost her memory and has an assistant port on her body. An assistant port connotes a Player; together, μ and Echo cooperate towards notoriety and fortune.

The Feel-Good Part

The anime has a unique plot; the twists and turns are so exciting to watch. The makers did a remarkable job by choosing the background music. The music is so soothing to watch.

The Disappointing Factor

There are many subplots in this show that makes people wary. The viewers can be distracted while watching it.

In-Depth Analysis

In Liverchester, Echo Rec goes through his days working at the crash site, searching for significant parts. By the day’s end, he sees reflection and sees a decent role. As he endeavors to take it, he falls, making the junk uncover a young lady. He returns it to his sister Swell and keeping in mind that taking a gander at the young lady. He sees she has yield jack on her hip and acknowledges she is a Player. The young lady then, at that point, awakens,but she has no memory of her identity.

At his sister’s bar, Echo clarifies that Player utilizes Equipment and battle the Earless creature, yet the young lady was not aware about the topic of his discussion. The town’s Mayor and Echo’s manager then, at that point, come in. As his man had to see Echo convey a Player, the Mayor advises the young lady to leave town as Players had brought just awful things for them. Reverberation attempts to shield her. To persuade him to not discard her right, but as the Mayor doesn’t withdraw, Swell gives him a free brew and quiets him down.

The other episodes are intriguing one by one. People thoroughly enjoy the show.

Star Power

The voice artists are the star power of this anime series. English voice artists and the Japanese voice artists both have worked pretty hard to ornate this show.

Overall Opinion

It is a good show with some mysterious plots. This anime is worth watching. If you want to watch an anime about this genre, you can try it.