Anime Review: Princess Connect! Re: Dive




Anime Digest

Yuuki establishes an alliance with three new companions after waking up in an unknown world with no memory of his past. Eventually, the mysteries around him and his allies start to come to light.

The Feel Good Part

The one redeeming feature, in our opinion, is its faultless and gorgeous character design. This anime initially appears to be a power fantasy isekai, and it keeps up with that for the first few minutes until launching into some surprising comedy, much like Konosuba. This show seems to have potential. The humour is just all over the place.

The Disappointing Factor

Although there are a few gaps here and there, the anime shows promise. The level of jokes is a bit low and they seem corny.

In-Depth Analysis

The animation quality is outstanding along with adorable character designs. Each of the female characters has a unique personality and appearance. The artwork is great, and the plot is simple to understand.

Star Power

The voice actors do great justice to the characters.

Overall Opinion

It is a fun, lighthearted isekai that appeals to a big audience because of its humour and adventure.