Anime Review: The legend of tang season 2


Anime Digest

The story revolves around a character named Kong Hongjun and his adventures in the human world. This is the second season of the show and it follows the story of its first season.

The Feel Good Part

The best thing about the show is its art and animation, which have been executed pretty well. The animation is very smooth and realistic, which makes the viewing experience a lot better compared to season one.

The Disappointing Factor

The show does not have any disappointing factors as such. From animation to story writing, everything is top-notch. The audience can truly enjoy the show without any complaints.

In-Depth Analysis

The anime has great action and animation, which adds to the great experience of watching the show. This season is better in terms of stories as compared to season one. The audience gets to witness the back stories of the main characters, which adds depth to the plot. The character development is also great in this season, and one can understand the characters better as they are more relatable.

Star Power

All the main characters in the anime showcase brilliant character development and bring justice to the theme of the show. The way they handle the situation and their very human reactions add value to the show’s theme and mood.

Overall Opinion

If you are looking for a horror Asian drama, then this one deserves your attention. The show has a lot of mystery and suspense, which makes it thrilling and, thus, can be thoroughly enjoyed.