TV Show Review: The Paikfather(TV Show)





1 Hrs 15 Mins



TV Show Digest

The Paikfather is a culinary TV show. Baek Jong Won, the chef, believes that anybody can cook. Regardless of skills and experience in cooking, he makes everyone a chef. He teaches the viewers how to cook with passion. Yang Se Hyung is there as a supporter as well. The show is here to make the viewers realize their culinary talents with various recipes. It is a good show to watch during weekends or holidays and try something new.

The Feel-Good Part

The show is an inspiration to those who want to learn cooking. It gives a good amount of encouragement. The basics of cooking are taught well in the show. The show is humorous too. The show gets better with each episode. Watching different people with less cooking experience cook is entertaining to watch. The show not only makes one want to try making those South Korean dishes but also makes them want to experience living in South Korea. Therefore, it has a cultural influence too.

The Disappointing Factor

The format of the show is not too alluring. There should have been changes in it. Interchanging the roles of the chef and the comedian could have had a bigger impact on the audience. Shorter introductions could have grabbed the attention of more viewers. There should have been more episodes as it is informative and knowledgeable.

In-Depth Analysis

The show is trying to convey that every person can cook. The show has the potential to make the viewers realize the same. The fact that different people are cooking with no basic knowledge of cooking is entertaining. They can discover their cooking skills or even simply learn how to cook. It is the motive of the show to do so. The show also intends to make the viewers want to learn how to cook or discover their talent in cooking. The show can increase one’s self-esteem and also decrease inferiority complex in the viewers. It is relaxing for some people to watch others cook. The cultural influence the show brings about is enormous. Every viewer would want to travel to South Korea and learn more things about their culture. The combination of cooking and humor shows that every work is enjoyable.

Star Power

Baek Jong Won is the chef in the culinary show. Yang Se Hyung, the comedian, is also a part of the show. The combination of their skills is a perfect match.

Overall Opinion

The Paikfather can be enjoyed by those who want to learn the basics of cooking and South Korean recipes.