TV Show Review: Call Me By Fire





1 Hrs 40 Mins



Show Digest

The show focused on breaking in the limits and challenging oneself. The long-lost dream of being in a boyband for the brothers. After three months of training and subject assessment. The winning team will make their debut in a group.

The Feel-Good Part

More than the songs and performances, it was the brothers interaction. The editing was excellent. It was good to see how the producer altered and bound the narrative. The competition structure was enjoyable.

The Disappointing Factor

The performances did not have any unique technique. There was not any eye-catching issue that could break the show’s flow.

In-Depth Analysis

The songs and performances were familiar. The performances in episode 1 were nostalgic. It showed the formation and training process in preparation for the stage performances. Behind the scenes will be strung together deliberately to create some storyline. The efforts of the brothers was showcased by the editing. They motivated and influenced each other to perform well. Their conversation while selecting the songs were comical. Many elements relate to the team survival competition to the corporate world. The rappers who are part of this show have stepped out of their comfort zone to present rap to the audience. Some colors were added to teams by adding a few members with their performance abilities. It was surprising to enjoy an opera-like performance.

Star Power

Nathan, Max Zhang, Vincent, Pax, Andrew Yin, and Welly Zhang are outstanding. Terry is one of the passionate and enthusiastic team members. He thinks music is a way of storytelling. The hosts were also fantastic.

Overall Opinion

Call me by fire is a music variety show that is structured in competitions. The love for music brings all the brothers together.