Movie Reviews: Zero-One Others: Kamen Rider MetsubouJinrai

0 Hrs 50 Mins




0 Hrs 50 Mins

Movie Digest

Lyon Arkland, CEO of Zaia Enterprise, wants to weaponize all Humagears by transforming them into “Soldos,” his artificial troops. will not allow this to happen in the name of Humagear free will.

The Feel-Good Part

There’s an interesting change in action to match the darker tone of the story, giving Zero-polished One’s aesthetics a certain rawness. While there are still plenty of flashy graphics and special attacks, the battles feel far more substantial – brutal beatdowns between opposing forces rather than flashy displays of technological prowess. This also fits nicely with V-Cinemas’ regular style of graphic violence, so the extra blood doesn’t feel out of place.

The Disappointing Factor

The battles aren’t fantastic, primarily just some suited fisticuff brawls with little in the way of weaponry, intricate choreography, or many special attacks and such, and some of the explanations are a little hazy.

In-Depth Analysis

The four members of Mestuboujinrai, Horibi, Jin, Raiden, and Naki, are on the path of coexistence with humanity in the aftermath of ” Kamen Rider Zero One REAL x TIME the Movie “. While Raiden works as an astronaut at Hiden Intelligence’s Space Business Center and Naki works as a technical advisor to the artificial intelligence special agency “AIMS” to crack down on AI crimes, Jin and Horobi continue to work together to ensure that malice does not exist in the world. However, a man appears in front of Jin and says, “I have come to fetch you,” making Jin apprehensive. Horobi declares “This is a holy fight” while lifting his sword as the four are all together.

Star Power

With both Jin and Horobi having struggled to achieve and embrace their own free will, a war-profiteering businessman wanting to demolish it all is the ideal opponent for them. The two (together with Naki and Ikazuchi) fight to protect the Humagear rights they so much believe in, but they struggle with the idea that this new opponent isn’t just another Ark, but one that resides within civilization.

Overall Opinion

The plot of this film is rather standard, but the final twist is truly mind-blowing, and the action is yet another masterpiece!