Movie Reviews: Tomorrow Will Be Fine



Movie Digest

A girl, Xiao lives in Beijing, away from her home. Xiao lost her job and her co-tenant girl declared openly that she will be leaving and live with her boyfriend. Again Xiao has to move to live in a rough place. She forcefully visits other city for job opportunity and rent out a room to a frustrated singer Ji for a short term agreement. But got fired again by the crew and returned to the rental room occupied by Ji. She sleeps on the couch. Both if them are stricken two live in the same room and get along as partners. As time passes their bond becomes nice as ironic events happens with them.

The Feel-Good Part

The beginning plays the audience with lot of droll humour. Xiao’s character was interesting and engaging.

The Disappointing Factor

It felt like a perfect movie. Not necessary that this film may disappoint someone or it may satisfy people to it’s full.

In-Depth Analysis

In late 2019, Xiao Yu was dissatisfied with her life and left her hometown nine years ago. Currently, she is an scriptwriter. Her current goal is to save enough money to visit Guanajuato in central Mexico. Xiao does not have many friends. She presently works in a TV drama but is suddenly sacked a junior schemes against her. Her roommate Xu Baolan moves with her boyfriend. Xiao moves for the ninth time. She decides that she will be staying in Beijing for one more year. She gets a job as a continuity girl on a film.  When she returned to her flat she forgot that she temporarily sublet to a man. She slept on the sofa. She writes a autobiographical novel online named West Facing Youth and she hopes that it will get her recognition. Both of them get along together. But one day while walking she slios and strains her ankle. They were well together that she allows him to stay for a month it he sleeps on sofa. Suddenly, a director wants to adopt Xiao’s novel into a film.

Star Power

All the performances were convincing and promising. The actors played well what was given to them. The side characters and the main leads did a fabulous job. The movie is strengthened by the accomplishments of the actors.

Overall Opinion

The movie is pleasant watching. It can be proved as a good option to go ahead with.