Movie Reviews: Huge shark

1 Hrs 8 Mins




1 Hrs 8 Mins

Movie Digest

In certain diving areas, shark activities have appeared due to the changing ocean current, without any trace.

Doctor Shen Xin gets invited to his cousin Liu Yiran’s birthday party and somehow gets tangled up in the impassioned absurdity of his cousin’s boyfriend Zhou Tianming and his female boss He Wendy. The four of them wandered off to the shark-bested area where the murderous and homicidal hunt takes place.

The Feel-Good Part

The character dynamic is surprising. And the storyline is quite incalculable. You never know who is going to die next.

The Disappointing Factor

The movie had potential but it just didn’t work out. It could have been good but it just gets worse and the second half almost doesn’t have any dialogues. Also, the graphics are bad. There are many faults in the graphics and they can ruin the mood if you look too closely.

In-Depth Analysis

Four people get stuck in a raft. Where Zhou Tianming brought his girlfriend Liu Yiran to push her off the boat and also brings his boss, He Wendy whom he has a crush on. Completing the group is Doctor Shen Xin who is Liu Yiran’s cousin.

Now the story shows some really stupid characters like Liu Yiran who pushes Wendy off to see who her so-called boyfriend will save and of course, her cheating boyfriend saves his boss and she gets eaten by a shark.

The movie is filled with these kinds of stupid moments which will make you pull your hair in frustration and you’ll scream “what type of idiocy” at least 17 times while watching the movie.

Star Power

Zhao Yihuan is a good actress and she played her part well but I can’t say that about the other characters. Though they are not that bad Zhao Yihuan is on another level.

Overall Opinion

The storyline is good. Acting is fine. The graphics are passable and the action is excellent. The movie had potential but it just didn’t stand up to your expectations.