Movie Reviews: Hi Brothers

1 Hrs 45 Mins




1 Hrs 45 Mins

Movie Digest

Hi, Brothers; a sequel to the 2018 movie, Go Brother! This movie is about close siblings Yang Ting Feng and Yang Ting Yu, who feel threatened by the newly arrived step-brother. The unwelcomed guest faces all sorts of hardship to try to win over the siblings. The remarried couple returned with a change in family dynamics. Yang Ting Yu suddenly worries about her place in the family.

The Feel-Good Part

This youth comedy plus family drama displays beautiful characters with a good plot. The camera work around the house worked with the energy of the film. The pace of the movie keeps up with the plotlines. The close-knitted siblings show us an excellent relationship that will keep our hearts warm the whole time. It was hilarious to watch the sibling create trouble for the step-brother.

The Disappointing Factor

The plot might seem repetitive that can get dull for the viewers. The last few minutes of the movie can be the downfall for this movie. The sibling’s storylines were more fun than the parent’s plotlines at the end. The film had a lot of potentials and did somewhat achieve the average standards but could have been better.

In-Depth Analysis

The movie is about struggles faced by an entire family after remarriages. It depicts the hardship of accepting someone into a family and making space for new people without giving up our own. The close-knitted siblings take action against the intruding step-brother. To their surprise, the new brother makes his way to win over everyone. Yang Ting Yu feels anxious about the newfound bond between her brother and the new step-brother. It depicts a teen trying to find her place in the family after the remarriage. Remarried parents also face problems that endanger the newly formed family. They also face the ex-wife when she enters the picture.

Star Power

Hu Xian Xu and Ancy Deng did a great job playing the two siblings with possessive vibes; Kevin Z was also the perfect fit for the step-brother role. Dai lele and Chang Xi Sheng portrayed their characters well and helped to connect on a deeper level. Supporting roles could have been better but still didn’t ruin the fun of the movie.

Overall Opinion

This movie is for those who want to have a good time without dealing with massive plots and twists, who are just looking for that feel-good, warm, and funny movie that will help you boost your mood. The problems shown in this movie are relatable and convincing enough for us to care.