Movie Reviews: Handsome Uncle

1 Hrs 33 Mins




1 Hrs 33 Mins

Movie Digest

A middle-aged journalist is unhappy in life and decides to end his life. When he choses to do so, flash of lighting changes his destiny. The movie follows his new journey.

The Feel Good Part

The comical scenes are on point, and the director has used to light hearted manner to talk about the importance of second chances.

The Disappointing Factor

The performances could have been better and the story line is done and dusted, a number of times.

In-Depth Analysis

Lu Yang, is a middle-aged journalist who has had a series of bad episodes such as a divorce, unsatisfactory work, among others in his life. He is fed up, and decides to end his life.

As he is about to commit suicide, fate intervenes and gives him a second chance by changing him into a young man, attractive and charming.

The movie follows Lu Yang’s journey as to whether he uses the second chance to make his life better.

Star Power

The movie has no major names as the story is meant to be the hero.

Overall Opinion

This one is similar to the Hollywood movies 13 going on 30 or Freaky Friday, but on a lazy weekend, if you want a light hearted movie to watch, then this is it. But if you have watched the other two, then no comparison to be made.