Drama Review: The Secret






Drama Digest

Dome is a commercial director in relationships with other women, mostly flings, where he already has a girlfriend named Nicha. He has slept with many young women, including Dao, a cosmetic brand owner and Mimi, Nicha’s assistant. She reveals the truth to Nicha, and it causes a lot of problems with the relationship between Niche and Dome. The event where she reveals the truth also had Saai, a ballet teacher and Rin, Nicha’s secretary.

The Feel-Good Part

This story showcases the genuine life of a commercial director, Dome and his infidelities with his lover, Nicha. All the highs, lows, struggles, and pain is shown in the series. While the woman he had past flings with was dishonest and fake, Mimi reveals the truth, where this segment portraying her pains, rushes and intimidating moments looks real and honest. Despite having a tough time dealing with her life issues, Mimi always keeps her head high and lives a life being positive and optimistic. Nicha tries her best to seek revenge.

The Disappointing Factor

The show is short for the type of content it shows, and the duration is also enough. The story revolves around the male lead, Dome and it somewhat ignores the other characters from the story including the female lead, the girl he was in relationship with, Nicha. The main characters are mainly the girls he cheated for, give no proper reason for doing it, but are highlighted the most and provided the most screen time, which does no justice to the other main characters in the show. This type of content has already been made multiple times in the drama industry, so there is no uniqueness in the plotline.

In-Depth Analysis

The shining part of the story is how different young individuals deal with daily life. At the same time, Nicha deals with her boyfriend and his weird obsessions with other women, issues related to her professional life and the struggles coming from there. The writing, directing, and acting in the series is unique for wearing so many hats and taking so many responsibilities in every sector is applaudable. It is a light and fun series which sees life in a favourable light. They will never be the same after this.

Star Power

Every character has its own position and police in the series. While Dome and Nicha are the main leads, the other people are also important for the series. Nicha plans and executes so many ways to catch Dome red-handed and to expose his infidelity. She somehow couldn’t do anything and failed in her pursuit. A messy story, but with clear and honest learnings for the viewers.

Overall Opinion

Someone who wishes to watch fun and lively romantic and mysterious stories will love the show.