Drama Review: Payakorn Sorn Ruk





1 Hrs 50 Mins



Drama Digest

Payakorn Sorn Ruk is about Rosita who gets a gift of seeing the future when she touches a rose after being in a car accident. One day she makes a public prediction about the famous actor Theeruth and a possibility of a secret child, which makes their relationship tumultuous from the very get go. A few years later both of them are invited to a charity event along with other celebrities and special guests. She then reads each of the guests’ fortunes with the rose; however she sees something absurd when it is Theeruth’s turn. She sees the two of them in a very loving relationship and decides not to tell anybody at the event by claiming she saw nothing. Later, she gets attacked by someone who she suspects was part of the event. A surprising turn of events takes place and Theeruth ends up saving her. Will their relationship improve and will they find her nemesis who is on the hunt for her?

The Feel-Good Part

The story is quite interesting; especially with the way it takes crime and fantasy as genres and blends them to give an entertaining show. The characters in the show are well-written and keep the audience engaged throughout. The dynamic of the two characters and the progression that happens during the show is the highlight of the series as they are quite intriguing when put together because of their great chemistry. The original soundtrack fits the tone of the show really well.

The Disappointing Factor

The narrative structure gets tired quite quickly as the build-up is too strong from the beginning itself. Each episode there is a new possibility of a villain that is revealed, which gets boring quickly as it doesn’t let the audience think for themselves. It gets exhausting and frustrating to watch the suspense element of the show because of so many possibilities. The romance between the characters, despite the nature of the plot is quite minimal, which is misleading for viewers who expect a full blown romance.

In-Depth Analysis

The drama is a complete package of action, romance with sprinkles of humour that make it the perfect show to binge over a couple of days. The show is a good addition to the crime genre as it adds a new element to it, which is fantasy. The tone of the show works well. The pacing is consistent and enjoyable. It is definitely made to be binged as it keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats.

Star Power

All the performances were excellent. The Male and Female leads deliver their respective characters with nuance, which made the audience connect with the characters well. The side characters must be appreciated for their ability to hold the series together in a way that doesn’t overshadow the lead actors, yet provides the audience with a memorable performance.

Overall Opinion

The show is a nice change of pace from the usual melodramatic romance drams with similar plotlines. It takes the crime route and does it well for the most part. It makes for an easy yet exciting binge.