Drama Review: Leh Game Rak






Drama Digest

Nicha is an orphan girl who disguises herself as a man to become the heir of the wealthy Trilogy family. To help the orphanage was the only condition Nicha had for the Trilogy family before disguising herself. As years go by, her friend from the orphanage, Aici, receives an education scholarship from the Trilogy family with Lin and Chakra. Aici and others work in the Trilogy Company to repay the kindness. So many mysteries start to come out on the surface. Will Nicha be able to keep her identity safe?

The Feel-Good Part

It is a mellow-paced show that does not make you bored. There are enough intriguing plot twists that keep you wanting to watch more. They concluded the ending very well.

The Disappointing Factor

They did not explore the chemistry between Nicha and Aici much throughout the show. Hence the romance development is slow.

In-Depth Analysis

This show is a good combination of business and drama. Trilogy family lost their son to an accident. They approach Nicha to disguise herself as their son so she would be the heir. Aici is Nicha’s friend in the orphanage, and he changed his name to escape from his mother’s killer. Years later, Aici works with the Trilogy family company with Nicha to repay their kindness. There are enough plots to justify Nicha and Aici’s past, character, and reason for their life choices. This gender switch and secret identity stories are exciting to watch.

Star Power

Esther Supreeleela (Nicha) and Son Yuke Songpaisan (Aici) are one good-looking cast which makes it even more interesting to watch. They did a phenomenal job with the role they have assigned.

Overall Opinion

If you are into business drama, this is a good show for you to watch. It has enough mystery and a happy ending.