Drama Review: Kor Kerd Mai Klai Klai Ter





1 Hrs 40 Mins



Drama Digest

Meet Ornrapee’s husband dies when she is pregnant. She raises her son alone without anybody’s help. As her son grows up, he hates his father for leaving them. But Meet Ornrapee still loves him and believes he will come back to them, and it happens. Her husband reincarnates and is around her son’s age. He still feels the fragments of love towards her and remembers some things. But will they both be able to find their love for each other and what problems stand in their way?

The Feel-Good Part

The female lead is very strong and independent. Her personality screams perfection. Thai dramas need more female leads like her, who know their way around and are not a damsel in distress who always needs someone to save them.

The Disappointing Factor

What absurdity is this show? Is this even a storyline? How did anyone come up with this plot? and how they made a drama out of it is beyond me. I mean what were they even thinking while making this show? a person magically reincarnates, then he remembers this woman from her past and he is in love with her. Keeping all of this aside, this said guy is around her son’s age, which means she is around his mother’s age. Isn’t the age gap too much? and whatever that is, the drama doesn’t make sense at all. How in the world did they come up with this concept and why did they make this drama is the main question?

In-Depth Analysis

Meet Ornrapee is a strong and independent woman. She raises her son alone because his husband passes away while she was pregnant with their son.

Her husband reincarnates as Thichong, a handsome young man who is around her son’s age. He remembers some fragments of her and then one day he sees her in his dreams and draws a sketch of her and puts it in his exhibition. She visits this exhibition and meets Thichong and instantly has a connection with him.

Star Power

The star cast is good. Even though sometimes they overdo things but it was good enough.

Overall Opinion

The show’s concept is ludicrous. Overall, the show is fine but the plot bugs. It really doesn’t make sense.