Drama Review: SF8: Baby It’s Over Outside(Special)






Drama Digest

We definitely should not go by the title of this drama because it is worth more than that. SF8: Baby It’s Over Outside is one part i.e eight pieces of different special episodes which are directed by eight distinct film directors exploring themes related to Artificial Intelligence, Sci-fi, Augmented Reality, etc. It is based on a collection of a short story-based novel which was written by Kim Dong Sik and published by Yoda back in March 2020. It is the fifth part to be released if we were to consider the order of releases under SF8.

The Feel-Good Part

SF8: Baby It’s Over Outside, is a unique title with a distinctive story. It follows the story through a news flash announcing that the world is going to end and that too in just one week. This is due to a meteorite that would collide with Earth and thus end all life there exists, NASA made several attempts to stop such a disaster from happening but it all went down the drain and therefore everyone accepted it just as it is. As a result of such an announcement, people start revealing strange abilities that sound impossible to even exist. Some state they have psychic powers while others reveal their superhuman abilities.

The Disappointing Factor

SF8: Baby It’s Over Outside has both a strange title and follows a weird storyline and appears to be immaturely written.

In-Depth Analysis

Nam Woo, a hardworking individual very recently became a policeman due to his consistent efforts. Though he and the senior policemen found it was sad that the world was ending so soon Nam Woo continued to fulfill his duties by patrolling around the neighborhood and helping people out unlike his seniors to told him to take a chill and relax a bit. During one such patrol round, on meeting with a girl who was called Hye Hwa, he felt like he had seen and met her, which made it even more difficult for him to identify when he had met her. Upon further looking into it, Nam Woo realizes that Hye Hwa was actually on the wanted list for burglary, and therefore he arrested her to produce her before for her crimes. Hye Hwa however turns out to be innocent of the burglary as she describes things from her side, the house she was said to have burgled was Teacher Yang’s whom she was looking for. Teacher Yang had gathered people with such said special abilities to save the world. After listing to this, Nam Woo and Hye Hwa embark on a journey to find him and do so in a mountainous region. On arrival, Teacher Yang states that Nam Woo can return to the previous timeline on death and through this, he can warn the people about the asteroid and save the Earth. At the same time, Hye Hwa makes it so that Nam Woo won’t forget her, but to do so she has to fall in love with Nam Woo. Just before the asteroid hits Earth, we see Hye Hwa confessing she failed to fall in love with Nam Woo. Flashback to four years back when Nam Woo was preparing for the police examination and unbeknownst to him, Hye Hwa was his neighbor.

Star Power

David Lee and Shin Eun Soo do their best to get their best act out but the lack of creativity and essence in the storyline makes it hard to connect with their characters and emotions.

Overall Opinion

It is advised only to take it up if you can watch and complete it in one seating as it has only one episode and when you have some time to spare.