Drama Review: Happiness Battle





1 Hrs 10 Mins



Drama Digest

Battle for Happiness presents a mix of various elements within its narrative, attempting to create a compelling drama. While the initial setup appears promising, the execution falls short in fully delivering on its potential. The drama incorporates a range of themes, from personal struggles and hidden secrets to the fight for happiness and justice. However, the abundance of subplots and unresolved plotlines hampers its overall impact.

The Feel-good Part

At its core, Battle for Happiness does touch on the struggles of the characters to find their own versions of happiness. The exploration of the characters’ journeys, especially their connections and choices, adds depth to the storyline. The depiction of female solidarity, particularly between Miho and Yujin, showcases the power of friendship and resilience in the face of adversity.

The Disappointing Factor

Despite its intriguing premise, the drama suffers from inconsistency and a lack of cohesive storytelling. As the narrative progresses, the plot becomes convoluted, trying to incorporate multiple storylines without effectively tying them together. The character development, which starts off strong, weakens as the series continues, leaving some characters underexplored and motivations unclear.

In-depth Analysis

Battle for Happiness attempts to tackle a multitude of issues, ranging from complex relationships to societal problems, with a particular focus on the murder case involving Oh Yujin. The drama delves into the multifaceted concept of happiness, illustrating how different characters pursue their versions of it. The story also attempts to mirror the hidden turmoil within families and the consequences of burying dark secrets. However, the drama’s downfall lies in its inability to effectively weave together these diverse themes and elements. The unresolved plotlines, inconsistent character development, and disjointed narrative contribute to a lack of engagement. The show presents significant topics such as abuse, betrayal, and injustice but often fails to provide the necessary depth to make these themes impactful.

Star Power

The ensemble cast of Battle for Happiness delivers commendable performances. The characters’ emotions and conflicts are portrayed convincingly, and the cast’s chemistry contributes to the show’s more engaging moments. Yujin’s portrayal stands out as she embodies the multifaceted emotions of her character effectively.

Overall opinion

Battle for Happiness begins with a promising premise and some compelling character dynamics. However, the drama suffers from an inability to maintain focus and streamline its multiple narrative threads. While it addresses significant issues, the execution leaves much to be desired. The show’s strong start gradually wanes as it attempts to juggle too many elements, resulting in a lack of coherence and emotional impact.