Drama Review: Dramaworld 2





0 Hrs 35 Mins



Drama Digest

A continuation to the first season of Dramaworld, Dramworld 2, sees Claire, a teenage girl from the US, caught in her addictions when she is sucked into the Korean drama world in her phone while confronting the thief that breaks into her families shop. While in Dramaworld, Claire meets Park Joon and realizes that something wrong with the storyline. With the help of her assistant Seth, Claire must save and correct it. What will Claire and her friends do? Watch the drama and find out.

The Feel-Good Part

The show has a fascinating plot. It is a deep fantasy of many viewers to get sucked into the world of Korean dramas, and with a premise like this, you can be sure to have a jolly and good time with it.

The Disappointing Part

The drama within a drama can get a bit too much for most viewers. However, it does not mean that it is a confusing watch. It can be pretty beginner friendly for those not looking for the long romantic style of Korean dramas that people are used to.

In-Depth Analysis

Dramaworld 2 satirizes the western obsession with Korean dramas and Asian dramas in general. It also pokes fun at the viewers and how much power they think they have over a plot of their favorite show written, directed, and worked on tirelessly by several other individuals.


Star Power

Our main character Claire is played by Liv Henson, who is a very versatile actor who has starred in several acclaimed and popular shows and movies such as Santa Clarita Diet, Yellowjackets, Let It Snow, Bombshell, Before I Fall, and so many more.

Overall Opinions

Dramaworld 2 is a wonderful sequel to Dramaworld and a fantastic addition to a satirical and hilarious show. It is a must-watch for new Korean drama viewers who are slowly transitioning from western shows to Korean dramas.