Drama Review: Honeys





0 Hrs 26 Mins



Drama Digest

Honeys is a Japanese TV series about three beautiful Niwa sisters who work at a multi-tenant building in Tokyo as Honey’s Loan debt collectors under Yamikin Gondo.

The Feel-Good Part  

This show is a one-of-a-kind show. Customers are realistic representations of Japanese people who always borrowed money from creditors and loan sharks. The main characters are beautifully created to show the contrast between wit and kindness.

The Disappointing Factor

There are no major disappointing factors in the show. There are a few questionable things that happened in the drama. The characters are unique. Sometimes, the show doesn’t give enough attention to all the characters. Other than that, there is nothing bad in the show.

In-Depth Analysis

Honeys, also known as Toritateya Hanizu, is a Japanese TV series about three beautiful Niwa sisters, Reika, Shizuka, and Ririka, who work at a multi-tenant building in Tokyo “Yamikin” Honey Loans. They successfully collect debts from the vicious debtor under Yamikin Gondo. Their priority is always to collect their debt, but to do that, they often help debtors in trouble get into a situation where they can repay their debts. They are not afraid to use force to collect their debts but often create conditions to help debtors earn money to pay off their debts on time. Reika also opposes Gondo, who announces services to vulnerable groups like students with nowhere else to borrow money. Gondo is in many ways a father figure to the sisters, and Kiyoko; the diner owner, is an old friend of her deceased mother, and a mother figure to them. Each episode features different types of customers who borrow money from Honeys. The characters were interesting, the plot was unpredictable and the acting was excellent. Family ties and relationships were relatable and realistic. Another feature of this drama is the filters used in the series. It has the feel of an early 2000s Japanese mystery drama.

Star Power

The star power of the show is the unique characters of Reika, Shizuka, and Ririka. The main characters of this show are so strong-headed and good fighters, which is rare in many Japanese dramas.

Overall Opinion

Overall, Honeys, also known as Toritateya Hanizu, is an amazing women-centered show with strong central characters and an exciting plotline. The characters were interesting, the plot was unpredictable, and the acting was excellent. It is a refreshing drama with unique characters.