Drama Review: Getter Robo Arc





00 Hrs 24 Mins



Drama Digest

The show revolves around the conflict against the new foe of humanity, Andromeda Country, and seeks to destroy the source of the getter rays that have harmed its civilization. All eyes are on the titular Getter Robo Arc robot, but the appearance of another mystery introduces more complications. Will our hero be able to achieve what he is seeking? Watch to find out more.

The Feel-Good Part

The show is an adaptation of the manga/comic of the same name into anime and the aesthetics and character designs have been kept as close as possible to the manga, making it faithful loyal anime adaptation of. The plot is good and the content is worthy of your time.

The Disappointing Factor

The manga adapted was from the last series and the previous parts were not adapted accurately. It is an adaptation 20 years in the making. The CGI is not as immaculate as the prior popularity of the manga demands and the sound design is questionable. They literally use the same shooting sounds almost every time and it’s cringe.

In-Depth Analysis

It’s an anime that revolves around humanity fighting against an alien creature to save the earth and they realize that they can’t co-exist as long as the Getter is present, posing a threat to the universe. They handled the cliffhanger from the manga brilliantly, even though they ended the same way as the manga., However, they gave us post-credit scenes which  take care of the loose ends admirably. The closure in the final episodes is decent.

Star Power

Being an anime series, the show does not have a substantial starcast.

Overall Opinion

Before diving directly into the show, it should be noted that Getter Robo Arc anime is an adaptation of the manga of the later volume and not the first. Therefore, it’s not for people who have never seen or read Getter Robo. It is recommended to go through the comic first to make sense of the show. The characters appear unstable in every episode, their face seems so wonky, and the advancement is even worse. The animation didn’t do any justice to the plot but their inclusion to provide better context is much appreciated. It’s far from perfect but will keep you engaged.